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Yom Kippur Eve - Friday, October 11
Candle lighting/Fast begins 5:57PM (24hr candle)
Kol Nidrei Services 6:00 PM
Yom Kippur Day - Shabbat, October 12
Morning Services 9:30 AM
Yizkor Memorial Service (approx.) 12:00 PM
Mincha 4:45 PM followed by Special Memorial and Neilah
Fast Ends 6:57 PM Followed by Shofar, Arvit & Break-Fast
Sukkot Eve - Wednesday, October 16
Candle lighting at 5:48PM
Prepare a 48hr candle for Shabbat and an Eruv Tavshilin.
Kiddush in the Sukkah & Festive Dinner 7:00 PM
Sukkot 1st Day - Thursday, October 17
Morning Services 10:00 AM
Candle Lighting after 6:49 PM (from existing flame)
Sukkot 2nd Day - Friday, October 18
Morning Services 10:00 AM
Candle lighting before 5:45PM (from existing flame)
Shabbat CH"M Sukkot, October 19
Morning Services 10:00 AM
Shabbat Ends / Havdalah 6:45 PM
Shmini Atzeret Eve - Wednesday, October 23
Candle lighting at 5:36PM
Prepare a 48hr candle for Shabbat and an Eruv Tavshilin.
Annual Shul Hop 7:00 PM
Shmini Atzeret - Thursday, October 24
Morning Services & Yizkor 10:00 AM
Simchat Torah Eve - Thursday, October 24
Candle Lighting after 6:37 PM (from existing flame)
Arvit, followed by grand Kiddush & Hakafot
Simchat Torah - Friday, October 25
Morning Services 10:00 AM
Kiddush & Hakafot 12:00 PM
Candle lighting before 5:33PM (from existing flame)
Shabbat Bereishit, October 26
Morning Services 10:00 AM
Shabbat Ends / Havdalah 6:34 PM