There’s a building whose construction takes precedence over a synagogue. In fact, a synagogue may be sold to raise funds for this building. This is a mikvah, a ritual pool constructed according to the exact specifications outlined in Jewish law. Immersion in a mikvah affects an elevation in status. Its waters have the power to spiritually transform and produce metamorphosis. The primary function of the mikvah today is its use in the observance of the Jewish “Family Purity” laws Contact Chabad Mile End Today.



Mikvah Taharat Hamishpacha

5124 rue St. Urbain (between FairmountAnd Laurier), Montreal, QC H2T-2W5

Cost: $25 per use. 


Mikvah office (during opening hours):(514) 276-1205


Mrs. Kuperstein (514) 270-1021cell: (514) 777-1948


For a tour of the Mikvah or for any other assistance, please contact Chabad Mile- End: (514) 773-1770.

All correspondence is strictly confidential. ​

For more information about Mikvah, and family purity, please visit Mikvah.org

For a list of other Mikvahs in Montreal, please visit: https://www.mikvah.org/directory/montreal#map-view